Read the following article link below.
The article was written Pre-demerger followed by a Detailed article even @ 60
Latest Update on indiabulls realestate:
Main Update: On top of the page
Latest update written this months. Dont want to add it here as it mixes it
Additional info:
1)court has convened a date in October for the final hearing.
2)Final record date by December
3)Entire market has drageed stock further lower. continues to remain in deep value zone.Stick to my earlier views on a combined marketcap.
(sorry for ignoring final hearing updates earlier on the site) All info to be read in prospect to Record date which increased timeframe by few months.
value:Remains and increased with fall in prices)
Indiabulls Power Demerger: Great Value unlocked for existing shareholders
Strong BUY @ 112.75::: Downside Limited. Upside: More than 20% in a month by the Record Date
Indiabulls Realestate
Price : Rs 112.75
Market Cap:Rs 4500 Crs
Indiabulls Power:
Price :18.85
Market Cap:3,800 Crs
Whats the BIG Deal????????
1) Existing shareholders are going to get 2.95 shares of Indiabulls Infrastructure and Power Limited. Indiabulls Realestate currently owns 118.5 Crs shares of Indiabulls Power which will subsequently demerged to existing share holders on Record Date
Shareholders Meet on :30th June.2011
Record date to identify shareholders :Mid July around 15-20th July 2011
WHAT MAKES ITS A BUY @ 112.75?????
1) You may have noticed i hardly write on the blog anylonger due to lack of time and am always back for a mispriced bet.
Indiabulls Realestate offers a mispriced bet primarily on account of Demerger of Indiabulls Power. I see a minimum 20% return till the record date or will be happy taking home only Free shares of Indiabulls Power.
Let me show 3 examples as on Record Date
1) Indiabulls Realestae on Demerger : Rs 112
Indiabulls Power & Infra : Rs 50 (Assuming 20Rs a share for IB power and 20% discount=2.95*20rs- 18-20% discount holding company)
So effective value 62rs for indiabulls realestate::::::::::::::Got it wrong::::
Assuming 40rs for indiabulls power :::::72::::::::::::::::::::Got it wrong::::
Whats my calcualtion???
I am not elaborating much on Indiabulls Realestate and Indiabulls Power as it shall take me an hour to detail each and every aspect.
I would consider 80-90 Rs a Base Case Value for Indiabulls Realestate (stanadlone) Considering its Land Bank, Debt on Books and Historic Valuations over lat 3-4 years (Even Today considering entire Realestate Sector Has been literally shaken.
Now add IndiaBulls Power value of 59rs as of today::::comes to ==(80+59)= Rs 139
View 1 ==(90+59)= Rs 149
View 2: Valuing Indiabulls Power stake @ 18-20% Discount===(80+50)= Rs 129
This is the pricei expect around the record date ===(90+50)= Rs 139
Now if i mention a fact:
As on Record Date a shareholder will be entitled to shares of Indiabulls Infr& Power LTd and not the listed entity (Indiabulls Power:Rs18.85) Hence factoring a holding company dicount.
But these shares shall eventually be merged with Indiabulls Power and each shareholder will be entitled to 1 share of IndiaBulls Power.
Important Note:
1) Indiabulls Realesate has a good land bank and its consolidated debt shall improve aswell as it consits of loans of Indiabulls power as of today. And on a stanadlone entity should be valued much more than 80rs on a base case scenario.
2)Indiabulls Power: No one is bothered to value this co and shall give good returns in next 2 years. The power plants are doing good progress. It will stay subdued till the demerger according to me.
It offers a good Risk Reward at current Price of Rs 112.75.
JUST IMAGINE you bought Indiabulls Power at IPO OF rS45---TODAY YOU ARE GETTING indiabulls power(valued at ipo(45*2.95=132) entire stanadlone realestate company free.
Once the promoters will merge the listed company Indiabulls Power AND iNDIABULLS INFRA&POWER that holding company discount will also diminish
ONE SHALL MAKE MINIMUM 100% Return on both these companies over next 12-18 months